Following these artwork guidelines will ensure there will be no delays with your printing. If you have any problems, please don’t hesitate to call our print design team on 020 8944 3040 who will be more than willing to help.
Please provide crop marks around all your supplied artwork.
Crop Marks are thin lines placed at the corners of the artwork layout to indicate where the paper should be trimmed after printing.
Document Colour
Please ensure that the colour is set to CMYK not RGB.
CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) is the standard colour profile for printing. RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is the standard colour profile for computer screens and does not give the same colour result when printed.
Artwork Bleed
You will need a minimum 3mm bleed around your artwork for cutting purposes. Most print production software provides a simple option for adding bleed. Save your artwork as any of the below formats.
Bleed is a term that refers to printing that goes beyond the edge of the sheet before trimming. In other words, the bleed is the area to be trimmed off.
Please ensure that you do not supply your files imposed or as spreads. Please only send one version, preferably as single page PDFs.
Imposed artwork is where you have laid out multiple copies on a sheet. Our machines will do this more accurately for the actual paper size we will use.
Spreads are facing pages in a booklet or brochure. Our presses will put multiple page documents together for you.
Required File Format
PDF Files
The best format for artwork to be supplied is as high resolution (300dpi) PDF(s). Artwork provided in high resolution PDF format will not incur any artwork charges.
Please prepare your PDF file in the correct way. These options must be set for commercial printing:
- Resolution – Choose High Resolution
- Compression Settings – For colour and greyscale this should be down sampled to 300dpi
- Font Embedding – Should be set to “embed all fonts”
Alternative File Formats
Artwork provided in any of the file formats below require significantly more preparation and file checking time, and therefore will most likely incur additional charges for the time taken to check and if needed edit your artwork to print-ready standards. Our design team will be happy to undertake this work for you if you need the technical help preparing the files.
Adobe Illustrator
If you have designed your files in Adobe Illustrator and wish to send us the Illustrator AI file then please include all embedded images and convert all text to curves.
Adobe Photoshop
Please set the resolution to 300dpi when starting your new document, and save the file as either a TIFF, EPS or JPEG.
Please note: If you need us to make changes to your file (JPEG / EPS), we will require you to re-supply new artwork as a PSD file as we are unable to make changes to flattened images (JPEG / EPS / TIFF).
Adobe Indesign
Please ensure all fonts and pictures used in your artwork are supplied to us in a separate folder using the “package” function under the “file” menu. Compress the document using Stuffit or WinZip before uploading or sending your order via “wetransfer”. Please note, we cannot accept ZIP files by email for security reasons, so please click here to send the ZIP file by wetransfer.
Please include a PDF. This is for our reference to make sure that nothing is missing or moved on the artwork supplied. Please note that this will be proofed first and could cause a longer delivery time.
Microsoft Documents
We can use the following formats for printing, but they are rarely “print ready” as Microsoft products do not have print quality settings by default. As a result, artwork created in Microsoft products almost always need adjustment to become suitable for print:
- Word
- Excel
- Powerpoint
- Publisher
Convert your document to a PDF
Below is a link to a website that can help you by converting files into a print ready PDF. It is easy-to-use and will convert it for you immediately online. And it’s free to use:
Please note that it is important when supplying a PDF from a Microsoft document, care is taken to ensure any spot colours are created correctly in your original document.
Please also supply a screen shot of your Microsoft document before conversion so the PDF and the original can be cross-checked. This can be done by the following:
- PC operators – Try using the “snipping tool” which you’ll find inside “accessories” on newer copies of Windows.
- Mac operators – Press the “Apple” and “Shift 4” keys, then highlight the area you wish to copy. This saves a PNG copy to your desktop
The final responsibility for proofing is yours. The proof is submitted to you to ensure the accuracy of your printed project. You, the customer, are responsible for ensuring the complete accuracy of this proof. Once you have confirmed the final proof you are responsible for any errors or omissions not indicated at this time.
Free PDF File Checking Service
If you would like us to check your prepared PDF artwork file and either confirm it is print ready, or report on any improvements you can make then please upload your artwork file here.